Artist: Khristopher K. LaChance
Title: Green Eggs and Wham!
CD: Road Kill Buffet
Revision: 4.0
Date: 2/15/99
Course #5: 

     Watch out. You might have a lot of unexpected labors to undertake. If you ever said "When pigs fly", and thought you'd get out of doing something, you shouldn't have taken a flight with The Raven. The breakfast buffets mainstay is Green Eggs and Wham! This is a pig. This is a pig on the road. This is a pig on the road on drugs. Wham! They either don't care to move or they're on something which makes them feel invincible! For your dining pleasure todays flying pig is served with vintage chicken embryo prepared to your liking. 


     How  unusual. I wrote a song in 6/8 time. I've just know come to the conclusion that most of the songs I think are road kill have unfinished lyrics. This song too was extrapolated from a simple refrain which at first didn't lend itself to 4/4 time. 

Drugs will fuck you up, 
Drugs will fuck you up, 
Drugs will fuck you up until your fucking brains are fried, 

     Well, now I've gone and done it. Net nanny probably will no longer let anyone to this site. Given the refrain you can probably guess what the original title of the song was, and why it took until now to get put on an album. Drugs Will Fuck You Up as it was originally titled was quickly changed to Drugs Will Fry Your Brain. The refrain never changed. It still hasn't, and since it probably never will, the rest of the song will never have lyrics. The music however has aged quite nicely. My synth amazingly enough has no 6/8 rhythms on it so I played triplets in each base half note to simulate it within 4/4 time. In many of the recent songs I've written I like to play dual melodies in stereo. To me, it's like a holographic baseball card where the pose of the player depends on how you look at it. My brother mentioned to me that I should try one melody in each speaker (mono). I did, but I went one step further. If I was going to use the panning knob, I was going to use the panning knob. I ping-ponged each mono melody from speaker to speaker with both occassionaly playing in stereo. It came out way cool, and evertime I listen to it, it move up a notch on my personal favorites list.